New Patients
Register as a New Patient
The practice is now registered for a new online service called 'Register with a GP Surgery', this makes it easier to register with our GP surgery. All you need to do is fill in a quick online form.
You don't need proof of address, immigration status, ID or an NHS number to complete the form. This service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information will be kept safe. To use the service, please follow the link below:
If this is your first time registering with a GP in the UK, please ensure you select the relevent option and complete the necessary dates. If this information is missing, we may need to reject your application and a new application be submitted with the missing information
Alternatively, you can register by coming into the surgery and requesting a new patient registration pack.
How to register with Leylands Medical Centre (at any site):
- Ensure your home address falls within our practice boundary
- Complete the online registration above or alternatively complete the GMS1 registration form (GMS1 Registration Form)
- Fill in our own new patient questionnaire (click here for Word format or here for PDF format) *In Surgery Only*
- Bring both forms in to reception along with photo ID and proof of address (see above) *In Surgery Only*

Changing Your Details
Please notify us of any change of your personal details – name, address, email address
or telephone number – so that we can amend our records. It is essential that we have your correct telephone number as we may need to contact you urgently.
You can change your details quickly and securely online here.
If you move outside the practice area we request that you re-register with a local practice.
Temporary Patient Registrations
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.
To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.
Non-English Speakers
These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.
Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.
Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:
Disabled Access
The practice is level access throughout suitable for wheelchair access and includes disabled toilet facilities. If you require help getting to or from your car please let our reception team know and they will be happy to assist.
For patients with hearing impairment we have the benefit of a hearing loop and we can make sure that it is available for you during your consultation. We can also arrange for a sign language interpreter to be present or use sound to text software.
If you are blind or partially sighted please let us know – we have a number of options available to help – particularly around written communications.