Clinics We Offer

Asthma Clinic
This clinic is run by our practice nurses and monitors asthma control. If you are using inhalers, you should have a check-up every year. Please bring your inhalers with you when you attend the clinic.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinic
If you have been diagnosed with COPD you will be asked to attend at least once a year. Please bring your inhalers with you.
Diabetes Clinic
The clinic is run by a team of dedicated professionals skilled in diabetes, including dieticians, podiatrist, nurses, and doctors. All diabetics are invited to attend regularly to help look after their diabetes.
Healthy Heart Clinic
All patients with a history of heart problems are invited to attend once a year for a check-up and advice.

Child Health & Immunisations
Our health visitors are happy to advise you about the health and welfare of babies and young children, they also perform hearing tests on children and developmental assessments at 8 months and 4 years. They run a comprehensive range of support sessions for new mums to which you will be invited following the birth of your baby.
The baby immunisation clinic is usually held on a Tuesday afternoon at Leylands Medical Centre and Wednesday afternoon at Wrose Health Centre and is run by a practice nurse. There is a computerised call-up system and most children will receive an automatic reminder through the post at the right time. Please then telephone to make an appointment. If you feel that your child is overdue an injection, please contact the practice nurse to discuss.

Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic
Our doctors and nurses provide sexual health advice, free condoms and a full range of contraceptive services, including coil fittings and implants. These can be booked with a GP please phone the practice to make an appointment.
Chlamydia Screening
The practice offers Chlamydia Screening to patients between 15 and 25. A urine sample is all that is needed. The results are confidential and are sent direct to the patient not the surgery. Screening packs can be picked up in reception or from the doctor or nurse.
Well Woman Clinic
For smear tests and general health advice, please make an appointment with the practice nurse.

Flu Vaccinations
All patients who are over 65, patients of any age with chronic heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes or asthma and residents in nursing homes should have flu vaccinations. If you have previously had a vaccination you will be sent an invitation every year in the autumn. We hold drop in flu clinics at Leylands Medical Centre and Wrose Health Centre. Pneumococcal vaccination is currently being offered to all patients over 65.
Health Promotion Clinics
Health screening involves picking up the earliest signs of illness before it has chance to damage health. There are a variety of ways in which this is offered in our practice. There is an open invitation to all our adult patients to see the practice nurse for a health check including weight, height and blood pressure. Practice nurses can advise you on your diet, smoking cessation and other aspects of your lifestyle. Cholesterol screening and ECG monitoring are available on request from the doctor.

Minor Surgery
The removal of moles, cysts, in-growing toenails and injections of joints can be undertaken at the surgery, saving you a hospital visit. Please make an appointment to see the doctor first if you think you may require any of these services.
We are able to provide physiotherapy services at the surgery and if appropriate the doctor will refer you to these services.
Hale Project
HALE (Health Action Local Engagement) are a charity based in Bradford, who work with local people with a variety of different activities and programmes to make lifestyle changes. Hale Projects communications and engagement team have developed a directory which provides easy to navigate access resource section of services available to patients. Click Here.